Saturday, March 28, 2009

My first competed illustration assignment EVER!

While it isn't my typical style...

it follows the assignment, which was to illustrate a creation myth using cut paper and/or collage. The creation story I have illustrated is from Aztec folklore. Basically, there were two gods (the light on and the dark one) who would create stuff only to have it eaten by this goddess/monster that lived below them. So they changed into serpents and each grabbed a hold of her, and pulled her apart! Her head and shoulders became the earth, her lower body the sky. Even though she was the earth that nurished the people, she was still blood thirsty, so to satisfy her the Aztecs occasionally fed her human hearts via human sacrafice. Gross! The Aztecs were a blood thirsty people. I think I sort of portrayed this story a little more light-heartedly than it's gorey nature, but that's how I roll.
I like it, but I really have no idea how it will be received.

Onto the next assignment!

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